January 30, 2011

52+ Things Challenge: #53 “Brenna und die Kirchen”– Five Down, Nine To Go

My friend Brenna told me that she’d never been into a church before. Not that hard to believe considering that there are so many people in the world who aren’t religious but I believed that this was absolutely unacceptable for her to continue while she is living in Europe. Especially when she is surrounded by such beautiful churches. So, I decided to add a new goal to my “52 Things” list – take Brenna to all the churches in Munich. All of the big, beautiful, gorgeous ones, anyway. And so I will. Over the course of a few Sundays here and there, I will get Brenna into all of the worthy churches in Munich.

“Brenna und die Kirchen”
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Brenna visited 5 out of 14 churches on our list. Brenna, our friend, Stoney, and I ventured out into the city center, bellies full on a Chinese food buffet and we braved the freezing cold January afternoon and visited 5 churches – Michaelskirche, Frauenkirche, Alter Peter, Heilig Geist Kirche, and Theatinerkirche – spread out from Karlzplatz to Odeonplatz.



DSCN4393Inside Michaelskirche

Follow the link below to see the rest of Brenna’s kirche adventures.

DSCN4400Brenna, Heather (hey, that’s me!) and Frauenkirche

DSCN4405Inside Frauenkirche

DSCN4408Inside Alter Peter (Peterskirche)

DSCN4413Awkward Brenna inside Heilig Geist Kirche

DSCN4416Brenna outside of Theatinerkirche

DSCN4418Brenna and I inside Theatinerkirche

Brenna has 9 churches left to visit:

Klosterkirche (St. Anna im Lehel)
Benno Kirche
St. Johannis Kirche (Haidhausen)


Kara said...

Such a good plan! The churches in Munich are incredible. My favorite was the ridiculously over-the-top Rococo Asamkirche. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your tour.

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